Tag Archive for FLMSG

New Easy Install Script Available – Raspberry Pi – FLAMP (2.2.05) and FLMSG (4.0.14)

By Request – Easy Install Script for FLDIGI add-ons FLAMP (2.2.03) and FLMSG (4.0.6) on the Raspberry Pi.

After popular demand for my easy install script for FLDIGI, I have finally worked out the ability to install FLAMP and FLMSG on the Raspberry Pi. This script has been tested and verified. It will download, build / compile, and install everything you need. Desktop Icons will be created at the end of running the script. Enjoy!

Next on the radar and currently under development is the menu driven and automated install package for all FLDIGI components….. Stay tuned and thank you so much for all the support I have received from all over the globe! Lots of great feedback and comments….

Download script here: http://www.indyham.com/downloads/pi-flamp-flmsg-install.sh

Or on your Raspberry Pi, use terminal and the commands while in the pi home directory (/home/pi):


1.) wget http://www.indyham.com/downloads/pi-flamp-flmsg-install.sh


2.) Run the following command to make the script executable:

sudo chmod +x pi-flamp-flmsg-install.sh


3.) Now execute the script:

sudo ./pi-flamp-flmsg-install.sh

*** This script assumes you already have a folder named “HamPi-FLDIGI” in your home directory as created with the FLDIGI Install Script I published. Feel free to edit the script however you would like if you wish to change that….

Please feel free to share on appropriate social media outlets.

